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With Me Now's podcast

Nov 28, 2019

In this week's episode we have a few more much loved beeps, the Njc Njc poll results, Virtual Volunteer app promotion, PSH CBE is to receive the 2019 RSA Albert Medal, we have your arbitraries and things, Elliott's and Danny's stats, Nicola revisited Heslington parkrun in her brand new 500 Club tee, whilst Danny was at...

Nov 21, 2019

In what could arguably be the rudest WMN podcast so far, we talk about the Running Challenges adapting to the parkrun map changes, celebrate all those trying to overshadow Nicola's big milestone, have stats, hear all about (and we mean ALL about) Nicola's 500th parkrun whilst Danny celebrated Tiny Steve's 'Freyne Club'...

Nov 14, 2019

In this week's pod we have spam, spam, spam, egg and spam, barges and narrowboats, Alfie Solomons, buses and coaches, spam, spam, Wiki and spam, milestones and things and spam, Elliott's spam, plus Nicola celebrated a special 100 milestone whilst Danny got fan spammed at Salcey Forest parkrun.

Nov 7, 2019

*insert firework onomatopoeia*... In this week's show we have slow claps, the forthcoming Alphabepocalypse, say bye bye to some Facebook groups, like the new results pages, receive lots of messages from the Big Apple, send our love to all at Prospect parkrun, have the usuals of arbitraries, things and stats,...

Nov 1, 2019

In this week's show, number 69, we have Northmen, a rubbish ambassador, discuss Mini Electric and parkrun sponsors, a lovely wider-context email, mention the Big Red Bus, hear from Cape Pembroke Lighthouse parkrun on the Falkland Islands, have arbitraries and things and stats, plus we hear about Jesmond Dene parkrun...